There are 87 active cases of covid-19 in Alto Minho. More than half in Viana do Castelo


A collision of an ambulance of Voluntary Firefighters of Vila Praia de Âncora caused eight injuries, one of them considered more serious, this afternoon, on Estrada Nacional 13, in Carreço, Viana do Castelo.

The ambulance collided with another light vehicle in circumstances yet to be determined.

Photo: Social networks

Photo: Social networks

Photo: Social networks

Photo: Social networks

Two firefighters followed the ambulance, a girl and her mother.

A family of four followed in a private car. One of the occupants, a woman, inspired greater care, as she had a fractured arm and a bruise on her head, O MINHO learned from the source of the rescue.

All the injured were taken to the Viana do Castelo Hospital.

The alert was given at 13:36.

Estrada Nacional 13 was initially blocked from traffic. Meanwhile, an alternative route was created along a farm trail, but around 2:30 p.m. it began to circulate again on the main road.

At the site there were a total of 21 operatives and ten vehicles, from the Castelo de Neiva Red Cross, Viana Red Cross, Caminha Firefighters, Vila Praia de Âncora Firefighters, Viana do Castelo Firefighters, VMER from Alto Minho and GNR.

News updated at 3:56 p.m. with more information.
