There are 662 schools in Portugal with cases of Covid-19. See the updated Fenprof map – Executive Digest


The most recent update of the map prepared by Fenprof – National Federation of Teachers on schools with cases of Covid-19 points to a total of 662 educational establishments (this Monday, in the update of this document, early in the afternoon, the total 627 establishments).

This update was made today, November 10, at 3:00 p.m.

See here the update for List_Schools_10nov2020.

Fenprof will continue to update this list each time new cases are notified and confirmed. This list includes schools with Covid-19 cases, regardless of whether they are active or not.

Since then, the federation has issued a note to clarify that some teachers and parents have also contacted the federation stating that the list made public is incomplete, sending the names of other schools where Covid-19 cases are also reported.

“It is natural for the list to be shortened by default, as FENPROF only adds schools / AE which it can unequivocally confirm. The few incorrectly reported cases, however removed, were due to quarantine situations originating outside of school or occurring at the end of the previous academic year and thus generated confusion. Some more schools are in the confirmation process and the list can be updated here, ”he adds.
