There are 30 broken fans in the Algarve and nobody asks for a refund


The administration of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA) told Lusa that it is up to the Centro Biomédico Algarve (ABC) to request reimbursement for the 30 damaged ventilators, but this entity discards responsibilities and refers the process to CHUA.

The devices were acquired by ABC in April 2020, with money donated by the Intermunicipal Community of the Algarve (AMAL), but they did not pass the tests carried out by the Services of Common Use of the Hospital (SUCH), and the mayors claimed a return of 1 ,3 millions. euros.

“ABC is 50% of CHUA and 50% of the University of the Algarve, two respected public entities and knowing that there was a damage, in which it interfered in that damage, you just have to resolve the matter and quickly,” he told Lusa Paul. Neves, executive member of the CHUA board of directors.

The official argues that “whoever negotiated, knows the manufacturer, the intermediary and paid them,” must “execute the guarantees if what they bought is deficient.”

“I do not see how we, who do not have the invoice, who do not know the manufacturer or the intermediary, are going to persecute those who did not pay, it does not make sense,” he said.

The president of ABC, Nuno Marques, has another position, stating that the CHUA must request reimbursement for being “the legitimate owner of the equipment”, claiming that “there cannot be another entity requesting reimbursement” of the devices it owns. .

“We are not the owners, we do not have the legal capacity to interfere in the process,” he defended.

The official revealed that he was unaware of any decision on a reimbursement request and added that the invoice was issued in the name of ABC but “it has been in CHUA” since the donation and “as soon as some equipment is donated, the other becomes the owner” .

Nuno Marques stressed that after ABC “made support available” and sent the supplier’s contacts to CHUA, he only found out that the company’s technicians came to Portugal and worked on the fans, but from then on he is unknown ” what is the evolution of the process “.

As a financing entity, AMAL revealed to Lusa that, in an analysis with CHUA and ABC “they understood that it is necessary to request the return of the money”, anticipating to its president that “a commission will be created with a member of each entity.” . “I’ve already spoken with them and they know about our position,” said António Pina.

The mayor revealed that it is intended to find out “which is the entity that is in the best conditions to request the refund”, and AMAL “will not be”, since “the municipalities donated the money.”

“It will be one of the two. It is a legal issue and you have to be sure.”

Regarding the destination of the money to be returned, the mayor indicated that the intention of the municipalities is that they be used to “cover other needs of CHUA.”

AMAL donated 2 million euros to ABC for the purchase of various medical supplies and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), of which 1,300 thousand euros were allocated to the 30 ventilator fans.
