There are 2,131 infected health workers and 35,000 people in the household under surveillance.


Sandra Alves

The death rate of Covid-19 in Portugal is 3.3% and there are 2,131 infected health professionals. This week, more than six million masks and personal protective equipment arrived.

Portugal registers 629 deaths from Covid-19 (30 more than on Tuesday) and 493 recovered patients (110 more).

“The global mortality rate is 3.3% and the mortality rate over 70 years is 12% (11.7% on Tuesday),” said António Lacerda Sales, Secretary of State for Health, at the conference Communiqué release on the epidemiological evolution of Covid-19 in Portugal.

There are “more than 35 thousand people under clinical surveillance, that is, they must be followed at home ” and that’s it 208738 tests were performed of the new coronavirus.

António Lacerda Lopes added that SNS24 line currently receives 9500 calls / day and that “this week we received 900,000 FFP2 and FFP3 respirators and around 6 million surgical masks and other equipment such as gloves, caps, etc.”

“We have 2131 infected health professionals, of which 396 doctors, 566 nurses and 1169 operational assistants, technical assistants, etc. “indicated the Secretary of State.

“We must learn to live with the virus with the awareness that the only vaccine we have at the moment is social distance,” said the Secretary of State for Health.

“The return to normality will have to be done gradually,” added the minister, the day the President of the Republic, Marcelo rebelo de Sousa, sent to Parliament The draft decree for the renewal of the state of emergency, which will continue until the end of the month.

“It is an additional effort of all the Portuguese but crucial in this collective journey,” he defended.

Graça Freitas, General Director of Health

Graça Freitas, General Director of Health


“Aware of the challenge of withdrawal, DGS publishes this afternoon in the The Covid-19 website is a manual to help families deal with isolation, with important advice on situations of violence, risk and online safety, “he concluded.

Graça Freitas, general director of Health, underlined “the great advantage” that Portugal has registered cases of Covid-19 “later than other countries”. And regarding the reduction of restrictions, “we will follow different criteria that are being adopted by different countries to see which one will best adapt to our reality.”

The survey on the sanitary fence in the municipality of Ovar, imposed on March 17, was “proposed by the local authorities” and the issue “will be further analyzed.” “I think it will come up on the 18th or 19th.“Graça Freitas said at the press conference.

The DGS official explained that the epidemiological evolution in Ovar allowed local authorities to conclude “that the conditions were met for Ovar to stop being an exceptional area.”

“Ovar is a good example,” says Graça Freitas. “He was the target of proportional and extraordinary measures because he had very intense disease dynamics.” Currently, “evolution indicates that It is not a special situation and has characteristics of the epidemic similar to other areas of the country.“he explained.
