The vaccine will not be mandatory in France and vaccination will be in December or January.


French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday night that the covid-19 vaccine will not be mandatory in France and that the vaccination campaign could start in late December or early January.

“I want it to be clear, the vaccine is not going to be mandatory,” said the president in a televised statement to the country.

Also according to the president, the vaccination campaign could begin in late December or early January, “according to the validation reserve of the health authorities”, with priority groups at risk, including the elderly.

This campaign will be carried out, according to the president, in a transparent manner.

“Vaccination must be carried out in a clear and transparent manner, sharing all the information with the population,” Macron said.

France will remain confined, now with lighter measures, until December 15 and a new stage with the opening of restaurants and bars should take place on January 20.
