The vaccine against Covid-19 will be free and optional in Portugal – Society


The Health Minister said on Wednesday that the vaccine against Covid-19, which can arrive in Portugal from January, will be free, optional and administered by the National Health Service (SNS).

“Obviously it will be a free, optional vaccination that will be carried out in the National Health Service,” said Marta Temido about the vaccination plan against covid-19 that will be presented on Thursday.

The minister addressed journalists in Lisbon at the end of a meeting attended by Prime Minister António Costa, the coordinator of the working group created by the Government to design the vaccination plan, and the ministers of State and Presidency. , Mariana Vieira da Silva, Internal Affairs, Eduardo Cabrita, and National Defense, João Gomes Cravinho.

Asked about the possibility of the vaccine being administered in health centers or in less decentralized large vaccination centers, Marta Temido only said that it would be through the SNS, pointing out two possible scenarios.

“A first moment in which there will be a context of greater scarcity in access to vaccines and, therefore, in a similar way to what other countries are planning, will be a more controlled scenario, but then we admit that throughout the year 2021 we will move to a broader scenario with more doses available and also a greater expansion of administration points ”, he explained.
