The unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues will abstain – O Jornal Económico


“I make it possible, but I do not vote in favor,” the deputy said in a statement, refusing to add a political crisis to “this economic and social crisis” that Portugal is going through due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The unregistered deputy also highlights that “this budget seeks to respond to the challenges of the pandemic, which at this time is fundamental.”

With the abstention of Cristina Rodrigues, PCP and PEV (announced Wednesday), at least two more abstentions are required to approve the document.

The PS, with 108 deputies, needs eight votes in favor of other seats or 15 abstentions to approve the budget.

With the vote against, in addition to the BE, of the right-wing seats (PSD, CDS-PP, Chega and IL), the vote of the PAN is still unknown, which if the generality abstains is enough to guarantee the approval of the document.

The People-Animals-Nature party scheduled a press conference in parliament today at 9:30 am to announce their vote.

In the note sent to journalists, the unregistered parliamentarian appreciates the approval of some of her proposed amendments, but regrets that some of her “main concerns” were not addressed.

Cristina Rodrigues highlights the approval of a “pilot project that contemplates an exit program from the prostitution system”, and of a “proposal that provided for the reinforcement of the means related to medically assisted procreation”.

However, he criticizes that “the budget for culture has not yet been,” a “sector that suffers from chronic divestment and is currently” in a situation of special vulnerability, because the precariousness that already existed was accentuated by the pandemic crisis, and nothing was done in this budget to reverse it ”.

On this issue, Cristina Rodrigues indicates that she presented “17 proposals for changes, many of them without great budgetary impact, but which were fundamental for these professionals,” and regrets that “none have been received by the Government.”

The parliamentarian also points out an “absence of an effective strategy” on animal rights and regrets that her proposal to hire municipal veterinarians has not been approved.

Regarding the “creation of a working group dedicated to studying the possibility of implementing an Unconditional Basic Income project”, Cristina Rodrigues maintains that “this could be an extraordinary tool in solving various social and economic problems”.

“It is not with this budget that there is a real desire to abandon agricultural practices that are more harmful from an environmental point of view and to truly promote organic agriculture, which is well known to be more advantageous from an environmental and health point of view, for in addition to this, there is a continuous increase in demand, revealing its economic potential ”, he also points out.
