The United Kingdom tells the EU not to go to London to negotiate on Monday – Jornal Económico


Faced with the impasse in the negotiations for the agreement to exit the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), one of the main British negotiators of Brexit, David Frost, informed his European counterpart that he would not travel to London to try to unblock the agreement this Monday. according to “Reuters”.

However, they both agreed to postpone the meeting until early next week. According to a spokesman for the British prime minister, the postponement follows statements by Boris Johnson where he said that “EU leaders have left the UK unable to continue negotiations without a fundamental change in the EU’s approach.”

“Consequently, there was no basis for negotiations in London on Monday,” the spokesman said, adding that David Frost and Michel Barnier “agreed to speak again early next week,” according to the news agency.

The Prime Minister considers that Friday’s warning from his British counterpart about the need for the United Kingdom to “prepare” for a ‘Brexit’ without a trade agreement is “without a doubt pressure” to reach a compromise.

At the end of a summit of EU leaders in Brussels, which had among the main items on the agenda the negotiations with London on the future relationship, after the so-called transition period for the United Kingdom’s departure from the European bloc (at the end of the year), António Costa devalued the alarmist tone of Boris Johnson and stressed that the European Council made “a new call to reach an agreement, complying, in fact, with what results from the Exit Agreement” signed between the parties.
