The treatment that Trump called a “cure” was developed with cells from aborted fetuses.


The experimental antibody cocktail-based treatment that Donald Trump received that he called a “cure” for COVID-19 was developed by cells originally derived from fetal tissue, a practice that his own government has decided to restrict, revealed the The New York Times.

In June 2019, the Trump administration suspended funding for most new scientific research involving fetal tissue derived from abortions.

“Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the top priorities of the Trump administration.”the Department of Health and Human Services said in a statement released at the time.

“Research that requires a new acquisition of fetal tissue from elective (non-spontaneous) abortions will not be authorized”the statement added.

Donald Trump received the Regeneron monoclonal antibody cocktail last week. Basically, they treat antibodies synthesized in living cells and administered to help the body fight infection.

To develop the antibodies, Regeneron relied on 293T, a cell line originally derived from the kidney tissue of an aborted fetus in the 1970s. At least two companies competing to produce coronavirus vaccines, Moderna and AstraZeneca, are also using this. Cellphone line.
