The transmission of covid-19 slows down in Portugal. The index has been below 1 for more than a month | Coronavirus


The transmission rate (Rt) of covid-19 in Portugal has been below 1 for more than a month, since November 20, which means that the transmission of the disease is slowing down in the national territory. On the other hand, the number of outbreaks remains high, especially in nursing homes. There are at least 498 active outbreaks at the moment.

This information is contained in a note sent by the Interior Ministry to the media on Tuesday, citing information provided by the Undersecretary of State for Health and Health, António Lacerda Sales, during a meeting to evaluate the current measures in the context of the pandemic. .

The same conclusions can be found in the latest report from the Doutor Ricardo Jorge National Institute of Health (INSA), which has carried out a weekly analysis of this indicator. The mean value of R

The OR is one of the indicators that are used internationally to understand the contagion capacity of a disease. It is subdivided into R0 and Rt. The R0 value (reads zero) measures the number of infections that occur when the disease can spread, without any containment measure, and is calculated right at the beginning of the epidemic. The value of Rt (or effective) is relevant in the later stages of the epidemic, after measures have been applied to contain the spread of the disease and when the average number of contacts that an infectious patient begins to decrease.

In practice, if the Rt is equal to 1 it means that an infected person will lead to another case of infection. If it is greater than 1, the number of cases will increase; if it is less than 1, infections will decrease.

Despite the national decline, this indicator has already been lower. At the end of November, for example, Portugal had a Rt of 0.9, values ​​only comparable with the start of the pandemic. And there are still regions where this indicator is now above 1, which means that the number of cases continues to increase or decrease: 0.92 is the Rt value in the north – the lowest in the country – 1.04 in the Center, 1.02 in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley (LVT) region, 1.14 in Alentejo, 0.99 in the Algarve, 1.09 in the Azores and 1.03 in Madeira.

“The results indicate a decreasing trend of new cases at the national level, in the North and Algarve. However, for the Center, LVT, Alentejo and the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores, there is still a growing or stabilizing trend in the number of new cases ”, concludes INSA.

Since the beginning of the covid-19 epidemic in Portugal, the estimate of R
