The tension between Trump and the prosecutor has increased since he denied the fraud


reOnald Trump openly expressed his frustration with William Barr in statements to the press at the White House, two days after the chief justice denied the version that there was fraud in the presidential elections, which were held in November we United States and who gave the victory to president elect Joe Biden.

William Barr and the Justice Department “should be looking into all this fraud … and they didn’t do much, which is a disappointment, to be honest,” said Donald Trump.

When asked if he still had confidence in Barr, the outgoing US president simply replied, “Ask me that again in a few weeks.”

Donald Trump reacted to comments made by the Attorney General in an interview on Tuesday, in which he said that, thus far, his department “has not seen fraud of such magnitude that it could have led to a different electoral result” in the cases. that examined.

These statements angered Trump, who from then on had a tense meeting with the Attorney General at the White House, the US television network revealed today. CNN.

The outgoing president remains committed to proving fraud, although all key states have already certified Joe’s results and victory. Biden be clear, hair that o ‘jar of Water Barr’s cold weather was not well received.

Several advisers to Donald Trump advise him not to fire the Attorney General, but the president has not ruled out that possibility, according to The Washington Post and NBC News.

Trump has often removed members of his Cabinet when he realizes that their loyalty may have waned, but firing his Attorney General would be especially controversial.

Historically, the Justice Department has operated independently of White House policy guidelines, so presidents should not influence its investigations.

The Attorney General, who has led the department since February 2019, he has been especially loyal to Trump and has not bothered to blur the line between his role supposedly and the president’s priorities.

His departure from Donald Trump in this case demonstrates the impossibility of defending, with the law in hand, the president’s insistence that the elections were stolen, an allegation that has already been rejected by dozens of courts and on which it has never been presented. strong evidence. .

The relationship between Trump and Barr was already presumably cold at the latter’s comments on Tuesday. According to The Washington Post, the president had not spoken to the prosecutor in months and was upset by what he considered a lack of progress in an investigation into the conduct of the FBI in the 2016 elections.

The president does not shake hands when it comes to firing members of his cabinet, but he has been a bit more cautious in the case of the Justice Department: It has taken him a year and a half to oust Barr’s predecessor, Jeff Sessions, since began to suspect her.

And even if he fires Barr, it is unlikely that Trump will be able to put, and confirm in the Senate, a successor who will obey his directives on electoral fraud in the scarce eight weeks that he remains in office.

Trump has been suffering constant setbacks in his campaign to reverse the election result.

Today, the Wisconsin Supreme Court filed a action of his team to cancel the certification of election results in that key state, where Biden has won.

But that did not stop Trump from insisting, in his statements to the press at the White House, that the election was “rigged” and that this alleged scheme should be examined by “criminal” channels.

But nevertheless, Biden continued to form the team that will accompany him to the White House in janeiro, and announced that his main economic advisor will be Brian Deese, which played an important role in the negotiation of the Paris Agreement, under the Obama (2009-2017).

But nevertheless, Deese He has also been criticized by environmental groups for working in recent years as director from sustainability from the US investment fund Black rock, what’s wrong with it active in Spain and Mexico.

The elected vice president Kamala Harris announced that his chief of staff will be Tina Flournoy, who until now has been an advisor to former President Bill Clinton (1993-2001), while Rohini Kosoglu advise you on internal issues of United States and the diplomat Nancy McEldowney about national security.

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