The survey gives 0.3% to CDS. Leader threatens to press charges


The CDS leader announced this Sunday that he will file a complaint with the Regulatory Authority for Social Communication (ERC), after the publication of an Aximage poll for JN, DN and TSF that attributes 0.3% of voting intentions to the centrists. .

Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos wrote a message on social networks, in which he reports an action for the ERC to “take the necessary measures to regulate the procedures of drilling companies, to avoid deception, lack of technical rigor, and” antics. ” those we read today “.

JN, who did his own analysis of the survey results and published them, having no doubts about their credibility, asked Aximage for a comment on the CDS president’s accusations. Its officials recall that “the survey respects the technical and scientific criteria required to conduct surveys. The CDS result in December is in line with the downward trend exhibited since July 2020.”

It should be remembered that the CDS suffered enormous wear and tear in the last legislative elections, in October 2019, falling to 4.22% and the five deputies elected to the Assembly of the Republic. A result that meant the departure of the then leader Assunção Cristas, who would finally be replaced by Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos. Since then, the electoral forecasts have gone from bad to worse.

As Aximage technicians recall, “in July, the Aximage poll pointed to a vote intention of 2.1%, which fell to 1.2% in September and October and 1% in November. To 0.3% %. This is the photo of the moment. “

The leader of the CDS added, in his publication on social networks, that the party already surpassed opinion polls in the last regional elections in the Azores, which “denied this death and contradicted all the polls,” Aximage gave the CDS, at that time, 1% “.

Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos seems to confuse the result he had in the Azores (5.51%), with the value attributed to it in the Aximage barometer for JN, DN and TSF, in the months of September and October (1%) . It turns out that this figure is a projection for the elections at the national level and not for the regional ones, about which the JN has not published any survey. Also, Aximage did not conduct an opinion poll on the Azorean elections.

In the poll so contested by the centrist leader, the PS stands out as the virtual winner of some elections, with 38.5% of the voting intentions. The PSD continues, with 25.4%, a recovery of around one and a half points compared to the November barometer. In third place is the Bloco de Esquerda (8.5%), followed by Chega (7.7%), CDU (5.7%), PAN (4.7%) and Liberal Initiative (3.5%) , which has achieved its best result since July.

The Aximage barometer for JN, DN and TSF (which is deposited with the ERC, which then makes it accessible to the public, in a transparent way) includes a map with the vote transfers, which gives some clues about what is happening in that moment. electorate of the CDS. Therefore, voters who claim to have voted for the centrists in the October 2019 legislatures now vote for Chega, PSD and the Liberal Initiative. This seems to be the true explanation for the current irrelevance of CDS in polls.
