The State received nearly 24% of the 2,100 milhões that it undertook ao Novo Banco – O Jornal Economico


In response to deputed years of the Assembleia da República, a plenary debate on the Novo Banco, Mourinho Félix said that in 2020 the accumulated losses of two toxic assets that are not perimeter of the Somam contingent capital mechanism 3,600 euros.

Of this value, 2,976 milhões de euros foram grafts hair Fundo de Resolução. “I wanted to say that 600 milhões de euros of lost foram supported hair capital raised hair Novo Banco”.

Já o loan of the State – that every year you can borrow at least 850 milhões de euros per year a Novo Banco via Fundo de Resolução – somou até à data 2,100 milhões de euros. “Or that I wanted to say that 900 million euros were supported by resources from the Fundo de Resolução, with the contribution of the banking system, the State received 500 thousand euros of two loan payments by the contributions made by the banks to the Fundo de Resolução”, Linked Mourinho Felix.

Or deputado do PSD, Duarte Pacheco, criticou or de facto de não haverem audits à la transferências do Tesouro português para o Novo Banco, uma ideia que o secretario de Estado replied, claiming that it is only “mão cheia” of entities that scrutinize these operations.

It has audited “the auditor of the Novo Banco, the Banco Central Europeu, as supervisor, the verification agent, the commission de acompanhamento e do Fundo de Resolução, and the most auditors that allow scrutiny of operations and scrutiny. that or Fundo de Resolução questionou or Novo Banco about or payment of prizes ”, dissected Ricardo Mourinho Félix.
