“The State lied to the European Union. It was a shame ”- Jornal Económico


Luís Marques Mendes considered a “great disappointment” and “shame” the controversy between the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem and José Guerrão, a name chosen by the Superior Council of the Public Ministry (CSMP) for the position of European prosecutor.

“I think there was neither enthusiasm nor transparency in the process. This process was a shame, I don’t like the words shame and lies, but what happened here was both, “he said during his usual comment on Sic da Jornal da Noite, this Sunday.

The comments come after the choice of the deputy did not coincide with the name chosen by the International Selection Committee, which, using common criteria, chose a representative from each country for the place. In the first place, in this contest of experts was Ana Carla Almeida, and not José Guerra. However, in the CSMP national election, Ana Carla Almeida came in third and José Guerra in first. Portugal was one of the only three countries that did not accept the result of the European competition and presented an alternative name, demanding greater competition.

In addition to this appointment, in the letter sent by the services of the Ministry of Justice through the Portuguese ambassador to the EU before the Council of the European Union (EU), where João Gerrão is recommended, false curricular data emerge: “to say that José Guerra is a Deputy Attorney General when he is not; say that he was head of the largest investigation department of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), when he was not; to say that he investigated the so-called UGT / European Social Fund case, which is not true either, “he said. Marques Mendes pointed out that the “three lies are not lapses, they are falsehoods. All in favor of the same person ”, adding that“ now it was not known ee, it never would be ”.

“The worst thing is what has become known now,” he continued. “This is a year old and nobody has ever found out. The Portuguese state recommended and sponsored a prosecutor in Brussels and presented a letter with a series of lies. The State lied to the European Union ”, he reinforced.

The controversy arises at a time when Portugal assumes the presidency of the European Council, something that, for the commentator, is not good, since the mandate begins “with the” lies “of the Ministry of Justice about the Portuguese Prosecutor chosen for the European Union Prosecutor’s Office. The word lie is harsh and unpleasant. But there is no other way to put it. The Portuguese state lied to the EU. A shame”.

Given the situation, the politician called on the parliamentary groups to go further and demand “a parliamentary investigation to try to” discredit “the situation, since the Public Ministry has not yet advanced intentions to” investigate this official document of the Portuguese State for the HUH “.
