“The stamp duty is not required by law” – Jornal Económico


EDP’s executive president said today in parliament that the company does not have to pay stamp duty due to the sale of six dams on the Duero river.

“There is no room for misunderstandings here, EDP always complies with the law and pays the taxes it has to pay. The stamp, which has been the one that has been demanded the most, and here is another error, it is not the law ”, said Miguel Stilwell de Andrade this Tuesday, March 16.

The electricity company points out that this “is the result of a European directive that prevents the application of the stamp tax to operations like this one. This understanding has already been expressed by the Tax Authority itself ”.

EDP ​​sold six plants to a French consortium worth 2,210 million euros, made up of companies: (40% stake), Crédit Agricole Assurances (35%) and Moriva – Grupo Natixis (25%).

The president of EDP was called to Parliament at the request of the PSD. In the document in which they demand the presence of the manager, the Social Democrats point out that “directly, the non-payment of the stamp duty, estimated at 110 million euros, may be at stake. It is important to clarify if this obligation will be paid or if the tax planning carried out will contribute to defrauding the interest of taxpayers ”.

The leader of the Left Bloc has also publicly criticized this operation. “The Government turned a blind eye to the deal with the EDP scheme to evade taxes, and by closing its eyes, in fact, it became an accomplice of the 110 million euros owed to the town of Trás-os-Montes,” he said. Catarina Martins. at the end of February.

In his initial intervention, Miguel Stilwell de Andrade pointed out that this operation involved the alteration of “a thousand contracts with employees, suppliers and service providers”.

The “buyers wanted an autonomous and functional company.” Thus, “a split was made, allowing everything to work the same way the day after the sale,” according to the president of the electricity company.

“The derived figure has been following EDP’s projects. This is a perfectly normal operation and complies with national and international legislation, ”said the manager.
