The six WHO criteria for countries that will lift the restrictions


A The pressure of the economic recovery places some countries in the position of having to make decisions about the reopening of some commercial spaces, as Spain did this Monday, with some non-essential services. However, these decisions must be made gradually and in the context of a decrease in the number of deaths and infections related to Covid-19, at the risk of trigger New transmission chains.

He directorGeneral of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, indicated that this Monday, during the daily press conference on the subject.

“Although the Covid-19 spreads very fast, slows much more slowly, “said the head of the WHO. “In other words, the way down is much slower than the way up. This means that restrictive measures have to be lifted gradually and with control. It cannot happen all at once.”

A WHO so let’s go six criteria to be observed by the countries that are discussing the lifting of containment measures applied:

  • Transmission is controlled;
  • The health system manages detect, test, isolate and treat each patient Covid-19 and track each call;
  • The risk of an outbreak is minimized in places like health institutions and homes;
  • There are prevention measures in workplaces, schools and other places where people have to go;
  • The risks of imported cases are controlled;
  • The community is well informed, committed to the situation and with the ability to adapt to the “new standard”.

It is recalled that, in Portugal, Direction-General of Health today admitted the use of masks by all people who stay indoors with multiple people, as a measure of protection in addition to social distance, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

The minister stressed that social masks, which may be made of cotton or other textile fabric, will become general to the population when the country returns to normal.

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