The second season of the “telescola” begins on Monday (in November it extends to high school) – Observer


After the academic year 2019/2020 was partially taught remotely, with the support of the so-called “telescola”, the Ministry of Education, in partnership with RTP, is now launching the second phase of “Studying at home”. The goal is to function as a tool for “Complement to school”, which can serve as support not only for students at home (in isolation, for example), but can also serve as a tool available to teachers, whether they are teaching in person or at a distance.

The main focus will be on the contents of Basic Education, which will be available from this Monday, October 19, in RTP Memória, but there will also be blocks for secondary education (but only as of November), the Ministry advances. Education in a statement.

“This new stage will have a particular impact on Basic Education, starting on October 19, in order to follow the school calendar defined by the Ministry of Education,” the statement reads, where it is explained that, similarly As Sucedió in the face-to-face classes, in which the first five weeks were specifically dedicated to the recovery of the learning of the previous year, RTP Memória also restored the pedagogical blocks of the previous year. From this Monday the learning of new subjects will begin.

Home Study Grid

The grid will rest on 30 minute daily blocks, starting at 9 am and running until 4:30 pm. In total, 75 didactic blocks will be transmitted per week. “Like last year, the morning blocks are dedicated to the 1st and 2nd cycle and the afternoon blocks to the 3rd cycle, making the transition between the two shifts the norm in Portuguese,” the statement adds.

Since the telescope is no longer an urgent resource this school year, the idea is for it to function as a “supplement” to learning. “The General Directorate of Education designed the new resources in an even more structured way and which, in addition, will constitute one of the richest, most comprehensive and cross-cutting educational products produced in recent years,” the note sent to the press reads.

Among the novelties, we highlight the “Autonomization” of the 1st and 2nd year, for the specific needs of the acquisition of writing and reading; and the introduction of a new block called “Guidance for autonomous work”, which seeks to develop forms of self-regulation and deepen learning. The extension to secondary education was also a novelty already announced, but the contents of this educational level will only be available from November.

Regarding secondary education, the idea is that it will function even more autonomously and complementary. That’s why the learning blocks are thematic blocks, so that they can be addressed in isolation through the application or RTP Play. “Although this educational level has the same educational team and the same number of weekly blocks, these will be organized into thematic blocks that can be addressed in a sequential or isolated way, being accessible in RTP Play and the APP, to serve as reinforcement of learning, especially in a context outside the classroom ”, it reads.

The “Study At Home 2020/2021” for Basic Education will be broadcast on RTP Memória, on the following channels: DTT – position 7; MEO – position 100; NEOM – position 19; Vodafone – position 17; Nowo – position 13. And it will also be available on the internet, both on the RTP website and on the DGE website (where the content used by teachers in each block is hosted).
