The school year begins on Monday with face-to-face classes and masks


The 2020/2021 academic year starts from Monday with the return of face-to-face classes, in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, but with a set of hygiene and safety regulations to minimize infections.

Starting Monday, public schools can begin to open doors to receive students from grades 1 to 12 and resume face-to-face classes that the pandemic forced to suspend in mid-March.

In the new academic year, teachers, students, and staff will experience a different school, compared to previous years, with a set of rules and operational rules that have been put in place to help keep the school open for as long as possible.

Contrary to what happened in March, when all schools were closed to contain the spread of the new coronavirus, face-to-face education will be the rule and closure will be a measure of last resort, taken only in “high risk” situations, according to the Directorate. General Health.

For this, the use of masks will be mandatory for all people from the 2nd cycle, the physical distance will be, whenever possible, at least one meter and between the different spaces of the school, which will be cleaned frequently, are defined circulation circuits.

These are some of the main rules that were defined by the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Health, but in the organization and operation of the schools, the directors went further.

Between extended or delayed hours, shorter or interspersed intervals, classes organized in “bubbles”, with rooms designed for each one to avoid contact between different groups, many solutions were implemented in the thousands of schools in the country.

Parents and school principals trust his return and believe that the schools are ready to begin welcoming students.

Speaking to Lusa, the presidents of the two parent confederations even said that the greatest risk of returning to school is not in school, but in the mobility of students outside of school, with public transport.

The president of the National Association of Directors of Groups and Public Schools, Filinto Lima, said that he believes that the opening will be carried out in a very positive way, ensuring that the schools have done everything possible to be prepared.

On the teachers’ side, however, there is not so much trust and the All Teachers Union (STOP) even called a strike the first days, until September 17, to think about those who consider the security conditions unsafe. .

In addition to STOP, in recent months, several teacher unions have questioned the Ministry of Education and DGS guidelines for schools, arguing that they do not guarantee the necessary safety.

On the other hand, teacher representatives are also concerned about the working conditions of professionals, particularly those who are part of risk groups and who will not be able to resort to teleworking, leaving them with medical leave.

Despite the fact that the closure of schools, which will always be decided by the health authorities, is the last option, schools are prepared to implement alternative regimes to the face-to-face, in case it is necessary for some students to return home.

The options offered by the Ministry of Education are two: distance education, similar to the one that was in force at the end of last year, or mixed education, in which students alternate between periods of face-to-face classes and sessions of autonomous work oriented from home. .

However, in these contingency situations, the guardianship asks the schools to favor the face-to-face regime for certain groups of students, particularly those for whom distance education was a greater challenge.

On Monday, the #EstudoEmCasa classes will also return to RTP Memória. In the first weeks, the channel will only transmit the contents transmitted in the 3rd period of last year, to complement the work that will be done in schools to reinforce and consolidate these learnings, but as of October 19 they will begin to be transmitted. the new classes.

Also in the school calendar this school year will be different, with more school days and fewer vacation days, an amendment that, according to the Minister of Education, serves, above all, to give students and teachers more time to recover and consolidate the learning from last year.

Thus, the Easter break will be shorter, with a week and a half instead of the usual two weeks, and the 3rd semester will be longer for the 1st and 2nd cycle, which will have another week of classes, compared to previous years .

Schools have between Monday and Thursday to start the school year and most will use the first few days to welcome students and tutors to explain how the new year will work.
