The São João Hospital prepares “mass vaccination” with the efficiency of “a Swiss watch”. Nothing can fail – Observer


All professionals were scheduled at a specific time to avoid crowds and the call will be made as usual in a consultation, that is, by password. A nurse will be waiting for you to administer the vaccine and register it ”, explains Xavier Barreto, director of the clinic, adding that around 100 professionals will be involved in this action, of which 40 are nurses.

After getting the vaccine, something that should take six minutes, all professionals will have to wait 30 many in a room, where they will be monitored and accompanied by a medical team in case of any adverse reaction, “a kind of recovery”. “The occupational health service will monitor the symptoms that may arise and will be in charge of registering them,” adds director Xavier Barreto.

Nelson Pereira, responsible for the clinical support of this “mass vaccination”, guarantees that he does not expect significant side effects. “We do not expect as many adverse effects as in the rest of the world, which means there are bound to be some small reactions, very similar to those from the flu shot. We don’t expect anything much more serious than that. “

The doctor reveals that Side effects can appear within three weeks after the first dose. Therefore, all professionals will receive an information brochure when they arrive at the hospital and a phone number will be made available for them to call if they present any symptoms after the 30 minutes that they will be monitored.

In addition to the nurses who will administer the vaccine, the occupational health services will also be active, who will supervise the entire operation and answer questions; the immunolergology service, responsible for questions related to possible allergic reactions; and emergency medical professionals.
