The robot manages to destroy the new coronavirus in 2 minutes


COVID-19 appeared quickly, but it will be a long time before it disappears from our lives. That is why all help is welcome. To this end, a new robot began to be used in various hospitals to remove any traces of the new coronavirus. The best part is that you can do it in two minutes. It can also be used soon in other public places as an effective method of removing the virus from populated regions.

The robot manages to destroy the new coronavirus in 2 minutes

Texas-based Xenes Disinfection Services recently announced that all tests of the LightStrike robot against COVID-19 have been successful. The equipment, which was also sold in Japan by Terumo, which is a manufacturer of medical equipment, emits light with a wavelength between 200 and 312 nanometers. This decontaminates various surfaces and objects that a person comes into contact with throughout the day.

in white

Between two and three minutes, ultraviolet radiation leaves the virus seriously damaged. This to the point that it stops working normally. In other words, it prevents contagion and spread. The robot has also been shown to be effective against bacteria resistant to various drugs and against the Ebola virus. The LightStrike robot even showed 99.99% effectiveness in removing N95 coronavirus from masks.

robot coronavirus

However, the new robot is being used in more than 500 health units worldwide. Terumo received the distribution rights in 2017 and sells the machine for around 140 thousand euros. During this period of crisis, it is not surprising that the demand for the device increases considerably, especially in hospitals and other medical institutions.

In fact, a wide distribution of this equipment may be essential to have a very large competitive advantage against COVID-19, which continues to claim lives throughout the world.

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