The risk allocation for health professionals will have a value of up to 219 euros per month – Social Security


The Government agreed to create a risk subsidy for professionals of the National Health Service (SNS) who, due to their functions, have to deal directly with patients with covid-19. The so-called extraordinary and transitory risk subsidy to combat the pandemic will correspond to 20% of the basic monthly remuneration up to the limit of 50% of the Social Support Index (IAS), which represents about 219 euros, Business reported. source involved in the negotiations of the State Budget 2021.

The grant will be paid no later than 12 months a year and for the duration of the pandemic.

The creation of this grant was admitted last Friday by the Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs, Duarte Cordeiro.

It is a measure that has long been defended by the Left Bloc, which has a bill in Parliament on the matter. The great divergence at this point is about the universe of workers to be covered. The Government agrees that they are health professionals of the SNS or integrated in the Ministry of Health with a contract of employment in public functions, who have direct or mainly competence in the fight against covid-19. And this is where the doubt still resides and the negotiations are not over yet.

It is not the first time that an attempt has been made to reward the professionals most exposed to Covid-19, nor that the process is delayed due to the definition of who exactly should receive the incentive. In the Complementary Budget Law, a premium was created to grant the professionals most exposed to covid-19, equivalent to half of the monthly remuneration, which will be paid in a single installment this year, but which has not yet been granted.

Asked about the matter, the Health Ministry responded to Negocios on Tuesday, which is still preparing the regulation. “The Ministry of Health is working on the definition of criteria for equitable compliance with the law that provides for the attribution of compensation to workers of the National Health Service (SNS) involved in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic “, justified a source official.

Unhealthy and painful assignment also advances

Still in the field of Public Function, another subsidy is foreseen, this one destined to workers who perform essential services and that involve pain or unhealthiness.

This grant was announced by the Prime Minister in the debate in Parliament and is a longstanding claim of the PCP and the unions. It should be attributed to employees of municipalities with higher risk and pain functions, as is the case, for example, of those who work in the collection and treatment of waste.

However, this grant still needs to be regulated and its details are not yet defined.

[Notícia atualizada às 20h14]
