The richest people reserve vaccines. Go back to tested stadiums here?


HEinfections rose again yesterday in Portugal, having registered 605 new infections for the new coronavirus and three deaths. In total, since the beginning of pandemic, the country has 65,626 infections and 1,878 Deceased. The country now has 290 outbreaks active of COVID-19-19, most in the north, with the index The average contagion was established at 1.15 last week, Health Minister Marta Temido said on Wednesday.

This Thursday, more than 1.2 million students in grades 1-12 have returned to school for another year academic which begins with new rules to try to minimize the impacts of COVID-19-19.

Worldwide, pandemic has already caused at least 936,095 deaths and more than 29.6 million cases of infection in 196 countries and territories

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and the rest of World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and the rest of the world:

10h20 – The breach of the contingency and alert rules resulted in a total of 304 offense in mainland Portugal, informed the GNR me PSP.

Of these 304 records, the infractions the most frequent were:

  • Non-compliance with the rules of alcohol consumption on public roads -175 records;
  • Do not use a mask in establishments, shows o public buildings: 46 cars;
  • Non-compliance with the opening hours of the establishments – 25 registrations;
  • Non-compliance with the rules of occupation, permanence and physical distance in places open to the public – 24 files.

10h19- The Portuguese Professional Football League (LPFP) has a plan to test the return of stadium fans staggered and gradual, confirmed to Lusa today the undersecretary general of the Association of European Leagues (European Leagues).

Alberto Colombo explained that the LPFP, which has already been presented to the Government, maintains that the return of supporters must be experienced, starting from a small number, never more than 10% of the capacity of the headquarters, and then gradually increasing.

This growth would also be accompanied by the progressive opening of the different sectors stadiums, guaranteeing the recommended safety distance in the prevention of infection for the new coronavirus.

10h10 – Cape Verde is among the countries with the highest incidence rate of pandemic regarding the number of inhabitants, today indicates the director the African Union Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). According to data from the Ministry of Health collected today by Lusa, Cape Verde diagnosed 19 March at 16 pm September a total of 4,978 cases of COVID-19-19, at a rate that this month reached a daily peak of 102 positive samples in almost six months.

9h50 – After all, it is unlikely that the pangolim has been the secondary host of the SARSCoV-two. This is the conclusion of a new international study, in which the Portuguese Agostinho Antunes participated.

The study, led by the University WenzhouKeanin the Chinese province of Zhejiang, and the Foundation for the Conservation of The Biodiversity and Green Development of China, points out that there is a greater genetic similarity between the coronavirus detected in bats and the new coronavirus, after having analyzed two pangolins, one of them infected with a kind of coronavirus.

Minute newsPangolim© Shutterstock

9h40- Combat Products COVID-19-19? One of the measures to combat pandemic generated by COVID-19-19 was the full exemption or zero rate of VAT for transmissions and acquisitions intracommunity goods needed to combat the effects of the outbreak of COVID-19-19. Find out more here.

9h20- According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of virology, as German health authorities registered 2,194 new infections in the last 24 hours, the highest number since 23 April. Or number of cases active is around 20,000 and the total positive since the first case of contagion in the country was announced, at the end of janeiro, is 265,857. Three more deaths occurred in the last 24 hours, increasing the number of Deceased for 9,371.

8h20 – Throughout this week some educational establishments were reopened, today being the last day established by the Ministry of Education (ME) to restart Activities letivas in person. In total, there are more than 5,300 public schools and around a thousand private schools that in this new year follow a set of rules defined by the ME and the AddressGeneral Health due to pandemic of COVID-19-19.

8:15 am- HE European car market, hit in the spring by the crisis of COVID-19-19, fell 18.9% in August compared to the same period last year, based on data released today.

7h58 – a group of rich countries, which represents 13% of the world’s population, has already acquired half of future doses of vaccine against COVID-19-19 under study, indicated a report from the non-governmental organization (NGO) Oxfam.

7h20 – HE Mexico recorded 300 deaths caused by COVID-19-19 and 4,444 infections in the past 24 hours, Mexican health officials said Wednesday.

7:15 am – A China today reached 32 consecutive days without registering infections places of COVID-19-19, since the nine cases diagnosed in the last 24 hours are all from abroad, authorities announced. From the beginning of pandemic, China registered 85,223 infected and 4,634 deaths from COVID-19-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus SARSCoV-two.

7h10 – the U.S recorded 968 deaths caused by COVID-19-19 e 23,261 infected in the past 24 hours, Johns Hopkins University said Wednesday.

7h00 – Good day! Here we begin to monitor the developments of the pandemic in the country and in the world.

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