The regional government of Madeira admits an unemployment rate of 18.5% at the end of the year


The Government of Madeira is “doing everything possible” to avoid rising unemployment in the archipelago in view of the containment measures of covid-19, but estimates suggest it could reach 18.5%, the secretary of Social inclusion.

“From an optimistic perspective, [a taxa de desemprego] it will be around 13% at the end of the year and, in a more drastic scenario, we will be able to rise to 18.5%, which will mean around 25,500 unemployed workers, ”said Augusta Aguiar.

The governor spoke at the flower laying ceremony at the Monumento ao Trabalho Madeirense (sculptural piece by Ângelo Teixeira), on Avenida Sá Carneiro, in Funchal, within the scope of the May 1 celebrations, which this year are taking place out due to restrictions. to the covid-19 pandemic.

“We are and we do everything possible, with the support of companies, with the support of workers, so that this scenario does not occur in the Autonomous Region of Madeira,” stressed Augusta Aguiar, recalling that the unemployment rate at the end of 2019 was 7%

The secretary of Social Inclusion and Citizenship stressed that it was “inevitable” to “turn around” in the “positive path” that the Regional Government, in the PSD / CDS-PP coalition, was taking before the covid-19 containment measures.

The tribute to the Madeira and Porto-Santense workers, which is held every year on this date, was attended by representatives of the Regional Directorate of Independent Work and Action and employers and union associations with seats in the Permanent Commission for Social Coordination of the Autonomous Region Madeira

However, Labor Day celebrations were restricted, and the executive canceled the events that he usually promotes in Montado do Pereiro, in the mountains of Funchal, with concerts and sports activities.

“Despite all the limitations imposed by the current context, this symbolic tribute is intended to highlight the role of all the workers in Madeira and Porto-Santo who, on a daily basis, do their best, particularly in current times, when There are many challenges and the need to adapt to the new reality demands a lot from all of us ”, stated Augusta Aguiar.

Madeira registers 86 cases of covid-19, with 43 recovered, according to data published Thursday by the Institute of Health Administration (IASAÚDE).

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 233,000 deaths and infected more than 3.2 million people in 195 countries and territories.

About 987,000 patients were considered cured.

In Portugal, 1,007 people died of the 25,351 confirmed as infected, and there are 1,647 cases recovered, according to the General Directorate of Health.
