The Red Cross Hospital is meeting today with the General Assembly in a time of controversy. Workers question the leadership of Francisco George


Also a non-executive president of HCVP, Francisco George has been challenged by workers for more than a month, who in two letters questioned his leadership, which they accuse of “jeopardizing the clinical and economic survival of the hospital.”

The controversy has even led Ordem dos Médicos to affirm that it is concerned about financial difficulties and instability of medical personnel, which were denounced in the workers’ letter. And he asks that “it is possible to find a way that allows the HCVP to remain as a reference institution.”

Twice in April, more than 100 HCVP professionals sent a “letter of complaint” to the Government, expressing “enormous concern” about the way in which Francisco George “endangers clinical and economic survival” hospital

In the first letter, published April 7, signed by doctors, nurses, technicians, administrative assistants, and physicians and collaborators, workers say that HCVP has “entered a process of economic and financial ruin” since the entry of Francisco George, in 2018

And they also say that it was decided to keep HCVP-free as covid-19, which means it would not treat patients infected with the new coronavirus, a decision that Francisco George changed in 48 hours, telling workers that it was a decision by the Ministry of Salud, which “does not correspond to the truth”. Two days after this letter, the Government announced that HCVP was not going to be part of the “covid network”.
