The public deficit soars above 9,000 million euros until November


Until November, the budget execution in the public accounting of the Public Administrations (PA) had a deficit of 8,691 million euros, which represents an increase of 9,267 million euros compared to the same period, which is justified by the impacts of the covid -19 “. , Finance revealed, in a note sent to the newspapers about the budget execution for the period from January to November.

“The deterioration of the balance, as a consequence of the pandemic” is due to a sharp fall in income (-6.3%) combined with a 5.3% increase in public spending.

In addition, the note from Minister João Leão’s office says that the blister of the budgetary imbalance also reflects the “adverse impacts on the economy that are reflected in the sharp reduction in tax and contributory revenues” and “the increase in spending associated with the extraordinary measures aimed at supporting families and businesses “.

Spending increased by € 2.7 billion, mainly due to “layoff measures (+880 million euros), including the stabilization supplement, acquisition of sanitary equipment (+491 million euros), support for the reduction of economic activity and progressive recovery (+385 million euros) and in the field of incentives extraordinary to normalization (+ 248 million euros) “.

João Leão’s note repeats that investment in the National Health Service (SNS) almost doubles: “it grows by 96.1% and surpasses all-time highs, to 242 million euros.”

Finance still attracts with investment in people. They say that personnel costs rose 5.9% “also due to the 5.9% increase in the number of health professionals in the SNS until November (+7,893 workers)”.
