The PS parliamentary leader hopes that Cabrita breaks the “deafening silence” on the murder in SEF


The Immigration and Border Service (SEF) is “weakened”, the panic button was a “sad” idea, and Eduardo Cabrita, the Minister of the Interior, has to break the silence on the matter and should have removed the director of the SEF before. Ana Catarina Mendes, parliamentary leader of the PS, was harsh with the Government in the TVI Circulatura do Quadrado program, when analyzing the case of the death of the Ukrainian citizen, Ihor Homeniuk, at the hands of SEF agents: “May a deafening silence be broken for all”He said about the socialist minister very close to António Costa himself.

“The minister waited for the reports to arrive, he made the resignation that he had to make and the inspectors will be brought to justice,” said the former undersecretary general of the PS, to contextualize and then shoot: It is very fragile with these 10 months as if nothing had happened, and with a director who was frankly quiet, a silence that could have killed someone elseThe same day that the PSD to the Esquerda Bloc questioned the role of Eduardo Cabrita and demanded political consequences, Ana Catarina Mendes launched another criticism of Eduardo Cabrita: “I believe that not all the consequences of this case have been taken in due time: today’s resignation is too late”.

But the socialist leader went further and also pointed to the batteries in a statement from the MAI, this Tuesday, on the resignation of Cristina Gatões: “Attentive to the seriousness of the situation, MAI’s statement is very uncomfortable for those who defend the rule of law. and for those who want SEF to defend us and the citizens who enter Portugal ”.

For Ana Catarina Mendes, who at no time tried to excuse the minister, it is “of immense gravity” that the former director of the SEF has assumed “in an interview that there could be more cases of torture.” And he suggested that more heads should be rolled at the institution itself. “I hope that the politician, when he goes to Parliament, can answer what he knows. In the interview, the former director gives the feeling of not having communicated everything …

The social democrat José Pacheco Pereira had started by suggesting that this case should have resulted in the dismissal of Minister Eduardo Cabrita, among other things because the MAI “is not just any place”, because “it is about security issues for people and in general of the parents “. And he criticized the silence, throughout 10 months, especially from the PS, PSD and CDS, which “never considered the case relevant.” For Pacheco Pereira, what can justify the dismissal is a case that has always been covered, always minimized, by the minister and the director who reports to the minister, which makes it especially serious ”.

About to TAP controversy, Ana Catarina Mendes joked that Luís Marques Mendes still “is not a spokesman for the Government”, and that he had a “bad source” for this matter – it was the SIC commentator who, on Sunday, released the news that the Government The intention was to put the TAP restructuring plan to a vote. And he justified, as he had already said on Tuesday: that “it is not the responsibility of Parliament to prove or fail a TAP restructuring plan” and that “one should not play with the TAP situation”.

“I hope that with the competition that the Government has, the restructuring plan will be welcomed in Brussels and that the Government will commit to saving the company,” said the Socialist parliamentary leader.
