The process against Duarte Lima for the murder of Rosalina arrived in Portugal | Justice


The Attorney General’s Office (PGR) has already received the case of Duarte Lima, in which the former deputy is accused of the murder of Rosalina Ribeiro, in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Observer and confirmed by the PUBLIC in the PGR.

“It is confirmed that, very recently, the request of the Brazilian authorities for the transmission of the referred criminal process to the General Prosecutor’s Office by the Brazilian authorities. The procedure for the international transmission of procedures is regulated by articles 79 et seq. Of Law 144/99 of August 31 ”, reads the note sent.

The case will now be evaluated by the Ministry of Justice, which will then decide whether to accept it and then send it to a court for trial.

Rosalina Ribeiro was 74 years old and was the companion of millionaire Lúcio Tomé Feteira until he died and was shot to death in December 2009, on a highway in Maricá, which is on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

For his death, the Brazilian Public Ministry (MP) accused the former PSD deputy, Duarte Lima.

According to the MP’s prosecutor’s office, Duarte Lima murdered Rosalina Ribeiro to prevent her from revealing that she transferred 5.2 million euros to her accounts (Duarte Lima was Rosalina’s lawyer) to avoid being detained by the heirs of Lúcio Tomé Feteira.

In Portugal, there was a lawsuit for these millions filed by Tomé Feteira’s daughter against Duarte Lima, but the former deputy was acquitted of the crime of breach of trust.

Duarte Lima is currently incarcerated in Carregueira prison, serving a six-year sentence for fraud and money laundering in the Homeland / BPN case.
