The president of the Medical Association says that the minister resigned to lead


“A The minister resigned as a leader in health in Portugal, ”accused Miguel Guimarães, who intervened during the Hippocratic oath ceremony that was held online and which brought together between 300 and 400 doctors trained at the University of Coimbra and the University of Beira Interior.

At the event organized by the Regional Section of the Centro dos Ordem dos Médicos (HEART), the president stated that the Minister of Health “does not know how to be or how to lead,” considering that the guardian leader has been hiding “between the absence of the truth and the insistence on devaluing and humiliating the doctors, ignoring that without these people would have nothing left to rule. “

“The recent attitudes of the Ministry of Health, from the incentive award that does not basically serve objectives for which the Assembly of the Republic fought, until the promotion of dozens of administrators with effect retroactive Without applying the same measure also in medical careers, the shamelessness, lack of transparency and common sense of the Minister of Health are evident ”, criticized the president.

At the ceremony, the president of the HEART, Carlos Cortes, stressed that doctors “not only need bonuses, bonuses, salary increases or more vacation days for what they did this year pandemic“.

“They did not do more than what was their mission and duty ethical and deontological. But they need the right conditions to treat their patients. They do need to have the means in each hospital, in each health center, in each emergency service, in each hospitalization ”, he defended, warning that there is“ a serious lack of human resources ”.

For Carlos Cortés, the economic restrictions “imposed by the Ministry of Health have always prevented the most urgent contracts.”

During his speech, the head of the HEART He also drew attention to inequality in the fight against COVID-19-19 no world.

“It saddens me to see an immoral and unbridled flood of doses of the new vaccines against COVID-19-19 in which the most powerful and economically powerful countries try to snatch all available vaccines, forgetting about the poorest and most vulnerable populations on our planet ”, he pointed out, launching an appeal to political leaders to defend internationally“ a distribution equitable vaccines “.

The president of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, also participated in the ceremony, who stressed that he hopes that all political leaders, where he is included, “do what is necessary to [os jovens médicos] stay in Portugal “.

In his video message, broadcast at the ceremony, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said that the medical profession is not “a profession like the others.”

“There are no hours, days, weeks. Anytime, any day, any week,” he noted, wishing all young doctors “a life full of successes.”

Also read: Ordem dos Médicos warns that for the virus there is no Christmas or New Year

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