The possibility of a second wave may postpone the recovery phase in the Azores


“We are in an intermediate phase, in transition
between extended containment and recovery, having happily jumped into
mitigation phase We cannot say that we are already in the
recovery because we still maintain some of the containment measures
that were implemented in early March, “said Tiago

In his daily communication, the
head of the Azores Regional Health Authority explained
Considering that the regional contingency plan provided for the preparation phases,
containment, extended containment, mitigation and recovery.

it would be gradual, but I think we will most likely do a
regression in the different phases and, from extended containment, move to the
containment, because what was expected, to go through the outbreak and
we don’t suffer it again, we don’t see it right now,
considering what has come to us from abroad: cases of
reinfection, a new impetus for the outbreak in certain countries, “he explained.

Lopes said he does not know if the archipelago “will really enter
in a recovery phase, because there is already talk of a possible second wave. “

“I believe
that we will always maintain some restraint associated with fighting this
outbreak, “added the regional director of Health in the Azores.

responsible, the transition to another alert and response phase in the
fighting the outbreak “has to do with the environment and the epidemiological situation
inside and outside the region. “

The possibility
the second wave of the new coronavirus is “a latent threat”, that’s why
so the region “for a long period of time will keep everything
surveillance and all monitoring “of what happens inside and outside the
archipelago, said the governor, who is paying attention to how it is
than other countries, namely those in the southern hemisphere, where
Now in winter, they are dealing with the outbreak during the flu season.

current phase, which is in transition, the regional executive is “looking for, and
hence the terminology, flexibility measures, precisely to have
that flexibility between the two phases. “

the reopening of establishments, which will happen at different speeds
In the different islands, the regional executive already distributes circulars.
measures to take for oral health clinics and clinics, nurseries,
kindergartens, centers at night, during the day, socializing and
occupational activities, collective passenger transport and
commercial establishments, as well as for the resumption of celebrations
community religious events, which take place on May 18 for all the islands,
except São Miguel and Graciosa, which will resume on May 31.

The regional government is also reviewing and updating the circulars of
conduct for restoration and for “access to the promenade, practice of
physical activity, fishing and recreational, nautical and recreational activities
maritime tourism “.

Until now
The Azores have a total of 144 cases, with 78 recovered, 15
deaths and 51 positive positive cases of infection with the new coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2, which causes covid-19, 42 disease in São Miguel, one in
Terceira, two in Graciosa, one in São Jorge, three in Pico and two in
