The Portuguese began to feel “some fatigue” in the third period of the state of emergency – Observer


The Portuguese began to feel “a bit of fatigue” due to traffic restrictions imposed by the state of emergency between April 18 and May 2, when there was “an increase in road flow,” reveals a government report. .

The report on the application of the third and last period of the state of emergency, between April 18 and May 2, decreed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, was delivered this Tuesday to the Assembly of the Republic.

“There was a general climate of compliance with the law by citizens, throughout the national territory, in relation to the measures imposed by the first and second decrees that implement the state of emergency. However, Between April 18 and May 2, especially on weekends, there was an increasing flow of roads outside of urban areas, especially to leisure areas, coastal and river areas.“, The document needs.

The report, available on the parliament website, stresses that, between April 18 and May 2, it continued to record “a progressive lightening of the application of the law by some groups of citizens, “especially in sensitive urban areas, with the increase of people who circulate on public roads and crowds at night, being necessary to maintain “active vigilance to prevent disorders on public roads and advise people to collect from their homes.”

“Although there was some fatigue on the part of the population sectors, with respect to the measures imposed by the declaration of a state of emergency, the performance of the security forces and the service was always guided by a progressive and proportional approach, guided by the balance between protection of public health, compliance with the law and respect for the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, “states the government report.

The document highlights the increased inspection operations to control the movement of citizens and motor vehicles due to “verification of high road and pedestrian flows caused by improved weather conditions”.

In line with what has already occurred in the two previous periods of a state of emergency, the security forces and services maintained “high levels of coordination and collaboration, which resulted in the definition of procedures and the performance of large-scale operations and operational requirements, in the sense of supervising compliance with the regulations and measures of the decree for the execution of the state of emergency ”.

According to the Government, these the operations “made a decisive contribution to preventing the spread of the disease, containing the epidemic, saving lives and ensuring that essential supply chains of essential goods and services continue to be guaranteed

The report also indicates that the population continued “taking the recommendations” of the elements of the security forces and services peacefully and immediately, constituting “true exceptions which ended in the collection of records for the crime of disobedience.”

In the 15 days of the third period of the state of emergency, 136 people were detained for the crime of disobedience, 44 of which for disobedience to the obligation of mandatory confinement, and 278 establishments closed for non-compliance with the established norms.

The report also refers to Labor Day celebrations, highlighting that union leaders had a physical presence on public roads in “strict compliance with the rules of distance and protection recommended by health authorities, managing to guarantee the difficult balance between the right to demonstrate and safeguard public health. “

Portugal spent 45 days in a state of emergency, between March 19 and May 2, to confront Covid-19, and since May 3 has been in a state of calamity.
