The person and the ostomy. The nurse explains


A building a ostomy can occur for different causes and types of stoma they are named according to the foreign segment. Thus, if it is the larynx that is removed, the person is said to have a laryngectomy (ostomy respiratory); If the small intestine is exteriorized, the person is said to have a ileostomy (ostomy digestive); if it is the large intestine, the person is said to have a colostomy (ostomy digestive); and if it is the externalized ureters, the person is said to have urostomy (ostomy urinary). Therefore, we can add that the person with ostomy is one that after surgery is stoma.

In Portugal, there are an estimated 15 thousand people with ostomy, of which 80% to 90% due to pathology oncological and of these, the most frequent are the digestive ones.

The first impact after the clinical diagnosis or in the postoperative period with the confrontation of the presence of ostomy, can generate a negative emotional pattern not only due to the presence of the disease, but also due to the adaptations imposed by the presence of the stoma. This need to acquire new skills can generate feelings of loss of self-control and consequently, implications for self esteem with repercussions on the quality of life.

Problems psychosocial They are also common and result from unavoidable changes such as changes in body image, feelings of mutilation, inferiority and rejection of oneself, insecurity, fear of not being able to handle the new condition. In the case of people with ostomy digestive system, fear of involuntary noises (gases), the device taking off, can lead to isolation, marginalization social security, reducing Activities leisure and participation in Activities family and social.

Minute news Isabel Morais© DR

If on the one hand some people face ostomy as a potential for cure, assigning it as an essential value for treatment, on the other hand ostomy may represent the existence of the disease, making it difficult to accept ostomy than the disease itself.

We also know that a good adaptation to devices is directly related to the quality of life of the person with stoma, providing safety and comfort, essential to resume Activities of daily life, facilitating not only family but social integration.

The last few years have been characterized as having been a period of great relevance because awareness was raised and it was possible to work together with qualified health professionals in this field. zone. Currently, at the national level, there is a regulation based on legislation to establish guidelines nationals for people with ostomy Guarantee the rights of access to material and healthcare.

Regarding healthcare needs, nurses with differentiated and advanced practice in Stomatherapy recognized by the Order of Nurses that it approved, the draft Competition regulation in Stomatherapy and defined the profile of the Stomatherapy.

The publication of these documents allowed the consolidation and opening of new consultations with Stomatherapy in the majority of Hospital Units and in various community services, in the Peninsula and Islands. Nurse care Stomatherapy, in Portugal, are characterized by high scientific and differentiation standards, so that nurses Stomatherapy accompany the technological advances and surgical techniques, devices and accessories for health care ostomy and skin peristoma, making available to the person with ostomy and family responses appropriate to their condition.

For the person with ostomy I leave you a few words, which I hope reassuring: use only the materials indicated for your situation and your needs, indicated by the Attention Nurses in Stomatherapy. Watch for signs of complications and consult your Stomatherapy whenever you have any questions.

Don’t let the presence of a stoma limit your life, we are here to help you regain your well-being and move on. Count on us.

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