The PCP lunches the elderly | Editorial


After the children at breakfast, it was time to denounce that the communists went to a higher stage of struggle: they eat the elderly for lunch. At least that is what it seems from the national consensus, paying attention to what is heard on television, which took advantage of the Festa do Avante to exorcise a kind of “national guilt” for the spread of the virus.

It is clear that the dread that gripped the Portuguese population may have contributed to part of the desire to Ahead! of the national political map. But let’s see: this fear (which exists) was not seen when “thousands” of pilgrims (it is the official information) flocked to the Sanctuary of Fatima on August 13. This dread has not been seen on the beaches either. Nobody notices the dread at the Lisbon and Porto Book Fairs. It is not on public transport.

You must visit Quinta da Atalaia to understand the immensity of the property where the PCP organizes his party, we are talking about 300 thousand square meters. It is evident that any place can transmit the virus, but this is valid everywhere, strictly, from the moment a citizen sets foot outside the home, if his house is not also infected.

The truth is that we don’t see the critics of the Festa do Avante advocating for closing the beaches, ending the shows, the markets and most likely even thinking (thankfully) that the schools will reopen in September. So part of this irritation with Avante! It can only be explained with an irritation – conscious or conscious – with the PCP who surely eats the old men for lunch while having a few beers and attacking steaks at Party stalls.

Fortunately, it was possible to resume the religious celebrations at Fatima. Fortunately, it is possible to resume a normal life, without neglecting the care to which the vast majority of people have become accustomed. The Portuguese have shown an enormous capacity to contain and respect the rules to try to stop the virus. The militants of the Communist Party are among the most “disciplined” of the Portuguese. Making the Avante Festival a national drama is disproportionate and, come on, a bit ridiculous.
