“The pandemic is new, but the segregation in the health system continues”


Jin Zelner He is a specialist in epidemiology at the University of Michigan School of Public Health, in the United States, and, in an interview with the Globo newspaper, he argues that the existing segregation in health systems will be accentuated during the present pandemic facing the world

In a long conversation with the Brazilian publication, Zelner argues that social differences between blacks and whites will accentuate and warns that pandemic It can open doors for the loss of liberties.

“[As pessoas com mais rendimento] work within the framework of home Officewithout losing your job They buy without going to the supermarket. They have good health insurance and medical care. The poorest need to go to the hospital and not receive information about their treatment. They are also victims of prejudice, especially blacks. A pandemic It’s new, but segregation in the health system continues to shape other diseases we’ve been dealing with for some time, like cancer or problems cardiovascularIt begins by defending and then recalls the difficulties of social isolation for people with more precarious financial conditions.

“This is the most difficult problem to contain the virus. Health recommendations work well if we have the ability to isolate ourselves and live in a house that allows us to minimize contacts with others I think the only way to allow everyone to follow guidelines of WHO is to provide financial services and infrastructures For that”keep going Zelner, adding that “the inequality we see about the victims of coronavirus, since the finding that the poorest are equivalent to the majority of the infected and dead, is also unprecedented. “

Then speaking in a postpandemicThis expert argues that everything will be different and will need constant adjustments, but points out that the doors are open to the loss of liberties by citizens.

“(…) Governments will be obsessed with solutions against new pandemics. But some policies can be implemented along with questionable meddling with society. China, for example, used software to display its citizens and preventthey to violate quarantine. Other countries used cameras for the same purpose. This clockncia, which was a valuable asset, will it continue to be used in some way beneficial to the population? Americans relinquish a significant amount of rights and privacy after attacks like September 11, “he recalls, concluding that” citizens can lose rights after the coronavirus

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