The ordinance that creates the National Vaccination Plan has been published


Vaccination aims to eradicate, eliminate, or control infectious diseases, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality, being considered one of the most effective strategic measures for the protection of public health.

The ordinance that creates the National Vaccination Plan (PNV) against COVID-19 was published this Wednesday and comes into effect tomorrow.

COVID-19: Publication of the Decree that creates the National Vaccination Plan

This year Portugal will receive 79 thousand doses of the vaccine for COVID-19

According to the diploma that was published in the Diário da República, the General Directorate of Health is in charge of executing the National Vaccination Plan (PNV) COVID-19 by issuing a standard. In Portugal, where the COVID-19 vaccination campaign starts on Sunday, like other European Union countries, the vaccine is optional, free and universal, run by the National Health Service.

Portugal will receive more than 79 thousand doses of the vaccine from Pfizer / BioNTech between December 26 and 28. Initially only 9,750 were planned, but now the pharmaceutical company will deliver 79,950 in two installments.

The PNV COVID-19 aims to reduce mortality and hospitalizations, control outbreaks, especially in the most vulnerable populations, and minimize the impact of the disease on the "health system and society," says the ordinance signed by the Undersecretary of State and Health, António Lacerda Sales.

COVID-19: Publication of the Decree that creates the National Vaccination Plan

The first COVID-19 vaccines, produced by the Pfizer / BioNTech consortium, are expected to arrive in Portugal on Saturday.

According to the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, the first to be vaccinated will be health professionals from the university hospital centers of Porto, São João, Coimbra, Lisbon North and Lisbon Central.

By April, 950,000 people should be vaccinated, included in the first priority groups (people over 50 with associated diseases, users and workers in homes, and health professionals and essential services, such as the armed forces and security).

Ordinance No. 298-B / 2020
