The number of deaths from coronavirus in 24 hours increases again: 25 more deaths


In Portugal there were 25 deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours. Overall, 973 deaths from Covid-19 have already been recorded, an increase of 2.6%.

The number of infected people increased to 24,505, an increase of 183 in the last 24 hours, an increase of 0.8%. The number of recovered patients increased to 1,470. There are still 3,825 people awaiting the results of the analyzes.

This Wednesday there are a total of 980 people hospitalized, 169 of whom are in intensive care.

The northern region has the highest number of deaths (556), followed by the central region (196), Lisbon and the Tagus Valley (195), the Algarve (13), the Azores (12) and the Alentejo that it registers in a In this case, the epidemiological situation report continues, with data updated until midnight on Tuesday.

Of the registered deaths, 658 were over 80 years old, 191 were between 70 and 79 years old, 86 between 60 and 69 years old, 28 between 50 and 59 and ten between 40 and 49.

Of the total number of infected people, the vast majority are recovering at home, totaling 21,082 (plus 33).

The data indicates that 980 are hospitalized, 44 more than on Tuesday (+ 4.7%), and 169 are in Intensive Care Units, minus three, representing a decrease of 1.8%.

Prevention of domestic violence
The Domestic Violence Contingency Plan was launched in early March. The reception spaces received 50 victims in their homes.

At the regular press conference for journalists, the Secretary of State for Health, António Sales, reinforced the support number for violence, 800 202 148, mainly in this phase of confinement.

Vaccination call
Graça Freitas returned this Wednesday to reinforce the importance of vaccinating children. “It is safe to vaccinate, it is safe to go to the health center,” said the Director-General of Health in her speech at the conference.

Graça Freitas said that vaccination “is the only way to protect against serious diseases” and prevent other epidemics.

“I appeal to parents and caregivers not to stop vaccinating children. We are in an epidemic and if we reduce vaccination we could have other epidemics,” said Graça Freitas at the daily press conference to monitor the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal.

The Director-General of Health again insisted that parents see if their child’s immunization report is up-to-date, and if not, they should go to the health center.

According to Graça Freitas, parents should “preferably” mark the day of vaccination at the health center “to avoid gathering people.”

Concern about the second wave
“We are concerned with everything that has to do with the situation. We are aware that we cannot neglect a second wave. We are empowering the NHS,” reported the Secretary General of Health.

António Lacerda Sales says that social media training also serves to create a “cushion” for a second possible wave of the pandemic.

Covid-19 death victims
Regarding the deaths, the director general of health stresses that “in Portugal it is not possible to be buried or cremated in Portugal without a death certificate.”

“It includes people who die in the hospital, people who die in the home and deaths in the home.”

New symptom in children
Regarding the rare inflammatory condition in children that is associated with the coronavirus and that worries the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain, Graça Freitas says that there are no cases in Portugal.

“Pediatricians are monitoring the situation. To date, we have no case in Portugal,” said Graça Freitas.

SNS 24 answers 7,000 calls a day and the waiting time is “less than half a minute”

The SNS 24 telephone line serves 7,000 calls a day and the waiting time for calls is “less than half a minute,” said the Secretary of State for Health, recalling that this tool serves all patients.

“SNS 24 continues to be the gateway to excellence in the National Health Service and serves not only for patients with suspected covid-19 but also for others who may have doubts about whether or not to use health units. SNS 24 it handles 7,000 calls a day and has an average wait time for calls of less than half a minute, “said António Lacerda Sales during the press conference.

The Secretary of State stressed that, after the state of emergency is lifted, Portugal will continue “having to deal with this public health emergency.”

“The pandemic continues and will continue to be part of our lives,” he said.

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