The North American Academy vetoes “Listen” as a Portuguese candidate for the Oscars. We will have to choose another film – Comunidad Cultura e Arte


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) informed the Portuguese Film Academy that, after analyzing Ana Rocha de Sousa’s film “Listening”, the International Executive Committee for Feature Films considered the candidacy ineligible and requested the sending of a new. candidate with the greatest possible urgency.

Although the particularities of the film’s narrative justify the use of dialogue in English, the exclusion factor is related to one of the eligibility criteria that requires that at least 50% of the candidate film is spoken in a language other than be english.

According to the president of the Academy, Paulo Trancoso, “still at the stage of considering all potentially eligible national films, we contacted AMPAS to obtain clarification that would justify the decision to exclude or include the film by Ana Rocha de Sousa from the list of candidates. in consideration. In response to APC, AMPAS announced that they could only decide on a film’s eligibility after the usual submission deadline, with the possibility of submitting a new candidate if the first one was rejected. Given that the film justifies the use of the English language by portraying the story of a Portuguese immigrant couple in London, and that a considerable part of it has dialogue in Portuguese and in sign language, the film was preselected by the selection and ended being the most voted by the members of APC. We knew that the film’s acceptance as a candidate from Portugal would depend on the flexibility of the AMPAS international committee and we were sure that the particular context of this bid would justify its acceptance, but in the end it did not happen ”.

The Portuguese Film Academy opened a flash vote at 00:00 on December 18, which will end at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday 20, during which the members of the Academy will vote for Portugal’s new candidate for the Oscar 2021 .

The films voted are the 3 previously selected nominees: “Mosquito”, by director João Nuno Pinto, “Patrick” by director Gonçalo Waddington and “Vitalina Varela”, by director Pedro Costa.

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