The new variant of SARS-CoV-2 that launched the alert in Europe


The new SARS-CoV-2 variant that launched the alert in Europe may already be circulating in more countries than have officially confirmed it, in addition to the United Kingdom, also the Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and Australia. Suspicions of higher transmissibility, 40-70% higher, and the risk of dominating Europe this week led to last-minute decisions on air traffic and increased measures and surveillance at Christmas.

It is not yet known if this new virus reacts differently to antibodies and if it could affect the effectiveness of vaccines, but Pfizer and BiONTech have already ensured that, if so, they will be able to tailor the vaccine in six weeks. Which, without compromising vaccination, can extend the deadlines. The possible increase in transmissibility in children is also being investigated and, as of yet, there is no evidence that it causes a more serious illness. Given the uncertainty, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control reinforced yesterday’s recommendations to member states to prioritize the gnomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, an effort so far led by the United Kingdom, which analyzes between 5% and 10% of cases – of patients with epidemiological link with the areas where the variant was identified (the main focus is the south and east of England) but also where sudden increases in cases or reinfections occur. In Portugal, the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA) analyzed 449 viruses of this wave, results presented this week and where this variant was not detected. INSA will now receive information on the tests carried out at the airport, to avoid possible introductions into the country. And SOL knows that more procedures are being refined to increase sample collection. The epidemiologist Manuel Carmo Gomes admits that the variant, having already occurred in different places, may have already spread to more countries and explained to SOL that, as the pandemic progresses and there are more barriers, the virus is expected to adapt. higher transmissibility. The impact on the disease and the epidemic remains to be seen.
