The new restrictions due to Covid-19 come into effect at 00:00. Know the measures to take into account – News


There are rules for those who want to enter or leave mainland Portugal. Distance education from February 8.

The new measures to contain the covid-19 pandemic will go into effect at 12:00 am on Sunday, imposing rules for those who intend to enter or leave mainland Portugal and resume distance learning as of February 8.

On Thursday, the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, decreed for the tenth time the renewal of the state of emergency in Portugal and, on the same day, the Council of Ministers approved a set of measures that will be in force until February. 14 to contain the evolution of covid-19.

According to the decree published on Friday that regulates the state of emergency, trips outside the continent by any means of transport are limited, except for air connections to the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, as well as for work-related cases. . return home, transport of mail and goods, and humanitarian and emergency purposes.

As in March 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic, border control will limit the movement between Portugal and Spain, in authorized crossings, the transport of goods, work and emergency and emergency vehicles and emergency services.

Rail traffic between Portugal and Spain is suspended except for freight transport and river transport is also suspended, according to the Interior Administration Ministry.

Starting on Sunday, there will be eight permanent waypoints (24 hours a day), five authorized waypoints on weekdays from 07:00 to 09:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00 and one authorized waypoint ( Río de Onor) on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 to 12:00.

In air connections, passengers arriving in Portugal from European Union countries with more than 150 cases of covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants must undergo a test, remaining in quarantine if the cases exceed 500 per 100,000 inhabitants.

Regarding the European Union, there are no restrictions for countries with less than 150 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants, such as Finland or Norway, but people from countries such as Germany, Belgium, France, Italy or the Netherlands, which have between 150 and 500 cases of covid-19 for every 100 thousand inhabitants, must present proof of covid-19 with a negative result carried out in the previous 72 hours.

Passengers from countries with more than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, such as Spain or Ireland, must present the negative test but must also remain for 14 days in quarantine, at home or in a place indicated by the Portuguese health authorities. .

In this case, essential trips whose stay does not exceed 48 hours are excluded.

Regarding flights from countries outside the European Union, three categories are defined. For flights from safe countries (list of European Union Council Recommendation) negative proof test is required. For flights from all other countries, only essential trips are allowed and always with trial test.

In relation to Brazil and the United Kingdom, flights are suspended until February 14, with the exception of repatriation flights.

In the Education sector, teaching activity is suspended until Friday, February 5, in educational and teaching establishments, resuming non-face-to-face teaching as of Monday, February 8.

Nurseries will remain closed and family support measures will remain in force.

All the restrictions imposed in mainland Portugal, in the last 15 days, to the operation of non-essential trade, catering and those related to the prohibition of movement between municipalities during the weekend, remain in force in this new period of state of emergency.

In the health area, the hiring of doctors and nurses trained abroad will be allowed for a maximum period of one year, “provided that certain requirements are met.”

In the case of doctors trained abroad to be hired for units of the National Health Service, they must prove their approval in the written exam, required for recognition of the title.
