The new mutation of the virus is putting the world on alert


There is a “new” COVID-19! Despite the numerous cases reported in the UK, the start of vaccination has brought new hope. The UK was indeed the first country to introduce the vaccine, but now it has a serious new problem.

According to the UK health authorities, a mutation in COVID-19 has been identified in the country that tends to spread faster, increasing the speed of infection. Christmas in the UK has already been canceled.

COVID-19: the new mutation of the virus puts the world on alert

COVID-19: The VUI-202012/01 strain is under investigation

When the world already had some hope for the COVID-19 solution, there was bad news. A new mutation of the virus has been detected in the UK. Government medical adviser Chris Witty said a thorough investigation was underway to see if this new mutation was more deadly. Witty also confirms that the World Health Organization has already been informed of this new strain (VUI-202012/01).

This new mutation, stronger in terms of spread (77% stronger than the original), is responsible for the appearance of several outbreaks in the south of the country. According to TSF, the discovery of this mutation was revealed by Health Minister Matt Hancock earlier in the week, when at that time cases were reported in 60 cities.

COVID-19: the new mutation of the virus is putting the world on alert

This Saturday, Boris Johnson announced more restrictions due to the increase in cases. The British Prime Minister asked the population to stay home and the UK returns to general lockdown. The new restrictions take effect at 12:00 am on Sunday.

This Saturday, the United Kingdom registered more than 27,000 new cases of COVID-19 infection. 534 deaths were also registered, following the trend of rapid daily increase in cases that has been registered.

The UK has ordered 40 million doses, which will vaccinate 20 million people, as the vaccine is given in two doses. This was the fastest vaccine ever approved from inception to vaccination. It only took 10 months, when the process usually takes a decade.

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