The murder of a young Portuguese man in Switzerland was a terrorist act – Observer


The murder of a young Portuguese man in Morges, Switzerland, last Saturday, was considered a terrorist attack. It would have been a “way to avenge the Prophet”, consider the authorities of that country.

João Azevedo, 29, an emigrant in Switzerland for two years, was stabbed in front of a restaurant where he was being prepared for dinner with friends. According to the Jornal de Notícias, there was no exchange of words between the aggressor and the victim.

According to RTS, the perpetrator, investigated by the country’s security service, is said to have justified the attack as “revenge against the Swiss state” and a “way to avenge the Prophet”. At the time he was arrested, he had the murder weapon and a copy of the Koran.

The 26-year-old suspect has psychiatric problems and has severed ties with his Turkish-Swiss family. Even so, a federal security source considers it to be an “act of a terrorist nature.”

The man was already being observed by local intelligence services, given his alleged ties to Daesh. He was arrested in April 2019 for setting fire to a gas station in his neighborhood, having been released in July this year.
