The municipalities of Carajás continue to be the worst in the ranking of social isolation – Folha do Bico


Jacundá had the worst index in the state of Pará 46.9%

The state of Pará ranked fifth in the social isolation ranking with 58.45% of people at home, on Wednesday (29), behind Goiás (61.70%), Amapá (60.42%), Maranhão (59.65%) and Piauí (58.57%). The data was disclosed on Thursday morning (30), by the Secretariat of Public Security and Social Defense of Pará (Segup), through the Undersecretariat of Intelligence and Criminal Analysis (Siac). The isolation percentage of the 144 municipalities in Pará and the complete monitoring are provided in an exclusive space in the indices on the Segup website.

On this eve of the Labor Day holiday, the Secretary of Public Security of Pará, Ualame Machado, reinforces the request that people do not leave their homes and do not go to spas in the interior of the state. He recalls that like Easter and Tiradentes holidays, an operation is already underway to avoid going to other cities, except for exceptions, such as the supply and health service, for example, as determined by the decree. Government 609/2020.

“Pará continues to figure among the 10 units of the federation with the best isolation rate. Yesterday we won fifth place, with approximately 60% social isolation, a very good number, but still less than 70%, recommended. And we call on the entire population of Pará, taking advantage of this period in which we are facing an extended vacation, so that people stay at home. If they need to leave, only in necessary and prevented situations with a mask, wash their hands with soap and water, use alcohol gel or 70% alcohol, so that we can really stop the progression of the disease in Pará, ”he emphasized.

Municipalities – According to the survey, when analyzing the cities of Pará, the three best isolation rates, that is, where people spend more time at home respecting quarantine, are found in the municipalities of Anajás (88.1%), Terra Alta (88 , 1%) and São Caetano de Odivelas (84.2%). The worst rates are for Abel Figueiredo (41.5%), Redenção (46.7%) and Jacundá (46.9%).

Decentralization – The municipalities of Marabá, Santarém and Breves have or will have field hospitals to receive patients infected with Covid-19. In these cities, the isolation rate was, on Wednesday, with 53.5%, 48.3% and 71.6%, respectively.
