The mosquito that transmits dengue is in Portugal and worries the health authorities


The Association of Promoters of Shows, Festivals and Events (APEFE) marked a ‘Demonstration for Culture’ for November 21, in Lisbon, that entity announced today.

“Manifestation for Culture. Small field. Saturday, November 21 at 10:30 am ”, reads a publication shared at 7:30 pm today on the APEFE official page on the Facebook social network.

Contacted by Lusa, Sandra Faria, from APEFE, explained that the demonstration will take place “inside Campo Pequeno, as if it were a show.” In other words, “in compliance with the regulations imposed by the General Directorate of Health” and with the capacity of the venue limited to two thousand people.

According to Sandra Faria, APEFE invited “associations and movements from the formal and informal sector”, as well as “artists” to join the protest.

“At the beginning of the week, our manifesto will be released,” he said.

The concert halls closed in March, when the first state of emergency was decreed, although the shows began to be postponed or canceled before that, and they could reopen from June 1, but with hygiene and safety regulations.

With the entry into force of the second state of emergency and the decree of a new mandatory curfew, this time partial, theaters across the country were forced to change schedules or postpone programming in order to survive.

The Government decreed a curfew between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday, from last Monday until November 23, in the 121 municipalities most affected by the pandemic, in addition to “limiting freedom of movement” The weekends of November 14 and 15 and November 21 and 22.

As of Monday, the 16th, there will be 191 counties covered by these restrictions, the Prime Minister announced Thursday after meeting with the Council of Ministers.

For APEFE, this decision “is an important axis in the sector”.

“We don’t understand that, because if the rules are exemplarily enforced in the aisles, and if the aisles are safe, and they are safer than going to the supermarket, how can supermarkets be open and cinemas not inside? Of those times, when circulation is organized, when there is social distancing between people, when the use of a mask is mandatory? ”, Questioned Sandra Faria, from APEFE, in statements to Lusa on Wednesday.

The Culture sector, which “is already experiencing a tragedy in 2020”, “sees this tragedy aggravated by these weekend restrictions”.

“We saw today [na quarta-feira] a news that there may be support for the restoration, due to the loss of income these weekends, I hope that the Government also remembers the Culture and the live shows “, he said.

Plateia – Association of Performing Arts Professionals also highlighted that, “incomprehensibly, the announcement of restrictive measures was not accompanied by an announcement of support measures for the workers and the most affected activities.”

The announcement of the new measures generated concern in the audience and also in the Union of Workers of the Show, Audiovisual and Musicians (Cena-STE).

“Plateia is concerned about the terrible consequences of these measures for thousands of workers, hundreds of artistic and cultural structures throughout the country, and for the cultural participation and access to culture of the entire population,” said that association in a statement. released this Monday. -market.

Meanwhile, the director of Cena-STE, Rui Galveias, in statements to Lusa, considered the limitation of circulation for the weekend as “one more nail in the coffin” of the Culture sector, which is already “in a dramatic situation” .

“We view all of this with great concern. We understand the need to take care of people, we understand that the figures are dramatic, but we cannot understand states of emergency, when people have adhered to the rules ”, he emphasized.
