The more votes Ventura gets in the presidential elections, the more damage the PSD will suffer – Observer


The next presidential elections are atypical because there are three elections in one, defended Luís Marques Mendes. In the usual space in the SIC, the commentator considered that André Ventura plays a lot in these elections and the better his result, the greater the damage to the PSD. Therefore, Marques Mendes believes that only the debate between these two candidates can have any impact on voting intentions, because they are competing for second place.

The first election is to elect the future president and the only true candidate is for Marques Mendes, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa. The second election will be to see which of the three candidates on the left is better placed, Ana Gomes, Marisa Matias or João Ferreira. But this is more of a question for the journalistic and political bubble. The third option is to know who will be in second place. And this question is not as important for Ana Gomes, for whom second place would be a symbolic advantage, as it is for Chega’s leader.

André Ventura has a party and plays a lot in these elections. He wants to do a test for the next legislatures and he will try to grow as much as possible, withdrawing votes from the PSD. The more votes André Ventura has, the PSD has a loss or damage. If the people who normally vote for the PSD are loyal to Chega, the PSD situation is more complicated. And that is already seen in the polls, he adds.

Luís Marques Mendes also marked the first day of vaccination against Covid-19, highlighting that the enthusiastic adherence of health professionals is the “greatest sign of safety” and “an important example of trust”. But he cautions that I need to moderate expectations because we have not yet secured all the vaccines we need, even for the early stages of vaccination.

“There is uncertainty on the horizon. We don’t know when we will have all the shots. Trust yes, euphoria no, “advised the commentator. Portugal has 22 million doses, but some of the vaccines have not yet been approved. The last two scheduled, Janssen and Sanofi, are late.

“In the short term, we only have 6.3 million vaccines available” and it is necessary to vaccinate 3.65 million people in the first and two phases. The authorized vaccines give 3.15 million people, which represents 86% of the vaccines planned in the first and second phase. To complete the first two phases, Portugal needs the Astra Zeneca / Oxford vaccine or the dose booster of other drugs already authorized.

Luís Marques Mendes also commented on the results of the most recent projections for the parties, which point, on average, to 37.8% for the PS and 25.6% for the PSD. For now, the pandemic has benefited power, both in Portugal and in Europe. But it remains to be seen what it will be like when the impact reaches the economic and social domain.

With these data, the commentator draws two conclusions: if there were a political crisis – due to the State Budget – everything would remain the same. The PS won again, but did not have an absolute majority, the PSD could not win. That is, after 5 years of opposition, the right-wing parties of the PS still cannot create an alternative

“The most curious and worrying data in democratic terms -because democracy needs an alternative- is this: all the right-wing parties combined do not exceed 36%, which is the value of the PAF Passos Coelho and Portas for some years.” . And he points out that it is not possible to form a government other than 44-45% of the votes.
