The messages show SEF employees talking about the death of Ihor Homeniuk: “Look, this is it. They killed the guy “


An exchange of messages in a group of WhatsApp, which is part of the investigation into the death of Ihor Homeniuk, the Ukrainian citizen who died at the SEF temporary installation center at Lisbon airport, denounces several SEF employees talking about what happened on March 12 of this year. The conversations are disclosed this Tuesday by the “Correio da Manhã” and, according to the same newspaper, dozens of workers were part of the group.

“The man was handcuffed too tightly and lost circulation in his arms. In addition to being pissed off,” wrote one of the employees. Another, focused on the consequences: “I thought it was something that any of us had done (…) But it was not the fault of any of us, fortunately. It is the fault of others.”

And the messages continue: “Look, that’s it. (…) They killed the guy.” “The bastard also refused to board,” the message set reads.

Regarding the conditions in which Ihor Homeniuk was found, during several interrogations by the SEF, one of the airport security guards reported that the man “was partially naked, sitting on the ground or on a mattress.” “The room smelled bad. It was practically inanimate,” he added.

In this process, three SEF inspectors are accused of qualified homicide and risk the maximum penalty of 25 years in prison. In addition to the crime of qualified homicide, the three defendants are responsible for carrying a prohibited weapon.
