The “mandatory application” and the optional loco | Editorial


Managing a country in times of covid-19 is not easy, with an alarming increase in the number of new cases. It is not easy to manage a country when it is not clear if the Budget is approved and at a time when the old comrades of the contraption now refuse to play the same role. Certainly there are better times to be in the Government than this, when it is known that it is economically – and perhaps mentally – a new “confinement” is impossible, and yet, the cases of covid begin to put pressure on the SNS that the other time closed and now it cannot be closed.

But asking Parliament to enact a law to make the installation of the Stayaway Covid app mandatory for large segments of the population, such as “workers,” “students,” and “security forces,” goes beyond what is permissible, and it goes against everything that the government, until now, has defended itself. The Data Protection Commission has already warned that making use of application “It raises serious questions about the privacy of citizens.” What happens in the heads of government?

Imagine that this obligation was constitutional, which it should not be. Is the State Budget prepared to finance the purchase of smartphones for those segments of the population that the Executive identifies? Or the government thinks that everyone has smartphones compatible with saying application? It is also mandatory to buy a cell phone with enough memory, how to deduct Social Security, car taxes and tolls?

We will not get rid of the virus anytime soon. A winter is coming that can be very difficult. The partial closure of the National Health Service in the first wave had costs and probably explains non-covid deaths more than this year. “Gatherings” have been shown to stimulate the spread of the virus; it is legitimate to try to decrease it after a cost / benefit analysis. For example, closing schools would be a serious cost for children, but reducing the number of people who gather on the street will not have many additional costs …

But, despite the fact that the situation is of great difficulty for decision makers and populations, the crazy is optional. The constitution has not been suspended so that government officials can deal with the covid. And the obligation of citizens to install an application with the characteristics of Stayway Covid is clearly an act that goes far beyond common sense that, despite everything, has presided over the decisions of the Government in the fight against the pandemic.
