The Lisbon restaurant that challenged the closure this Friday and remained in operation will temporarily close – Observer


The Lisbon restaurant will close, which made the news this Friday because, despite the restriction measures imposed by the new closure, it continued to open its doors and serve at the tables, refusing to limit itself to the sale of take away meals.

The announcement was made through the LAPO Facebook page, the owners António and Bruna Guerreiro, who explained in a statement that after “deep analysis and consideration” they decided to temporarily close the doors, “mainly out of respect for the conscience of PSP agents ”, promising to reopen“ soon ”.

Dear friends: As announced on social media, we kept our establishment open to the public on…

Posted by LAPO on Sunday, January 17, 2021

Despite the decision, the owners of the restaurant, which has been operating in Alto da Bica since July 2019, reiterated the theory that behind the measures imposed by the Government to stop the pandemic, that is, the one that requires the operation of food and Drink just to go, there will be no support from science.

“There is absolutely no scientific information to show that restaurants are contagious spots compared to planes full of passengers confined in the same space for hours, crowded public transport at rush hours, motor sporting events, activities policies, etc. ” , you can read in the statement shared through Facebook.

“The measures are savagely counterproductive.” Restaurant in Lisbon refuses to close during the closure and invokes the Constitution

In the same text, António and Bruna Guerreiro, who kept the restaurant open last Friday under the Right of Resistance, provided for in article 21 of the Portuguese Constitution and who may now have to pay a fine of between two thousand and 20 thousand euros , He took the opportunity to mock the presence of the authorities in space.

“We are very happy to finally have so many policemen at the door, permanently, after so many years of inglorious struggle, from so many letters to the Parish Council of Mercy, Lisbon City Council, the PSP Lisbon Metropolitan Command, Procuradoria-General de la República, MAI, denouncing the inaction of the authorities in the face of the colonization of the areas of Bica and Santa Catarina by gangs dedicated to theft and drug trafficking, driving residents and merchants to despair.
