The level of risk was reduced in 58 counties, including Braga, Paços de Ferreira and Feira. See how yours is on the map – Coronavirus


The decrease in the incidence of covid-19 allowed 58 municipalities to lower their level of risk in the week that ended on December 8, according to the data revealed this Monday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS). This decline has, for now, no impact on the measures to which each municipality is subject until the end of the current state of emergency, which ends at 11:59 p.m. on December 23, knowing that it will be renewed until January 7 .

Comparing with the situation registered on December 2, the date that served as a reference for the classification of municipalities carried out by the Government for the current state of emergency, there are, however, 34 municipalities that move to a higher level on the risk scale.

The Government classifies the municipalities into four risk levels: moderate (less than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days); high (between 240 and 480 cases); very high (480 to 960 cases) and extreme (960 or more cases). In the previous list, 113 municipalities were at very high or extreme risk, and the Government did not distinguish these levels in terms of the most restrictive measures to apply. Of these, 35 were at extreme risk and 78 at very high risk.

Now, according to data released today, there are 107 municipalities at the two highest risk levels, with 25 at extreme risk and 82 at very high risk.

Braga, Paços de Ferreira and Santa Maria da Feira leave an extreme risk
Among the counties that are no longer at the most serious level of epidemiological risk, Braga, Paços de Ferreira and Santa Maria da Feira stand out.

In the case of Braga and Santa Maria da Feira, due to the size of the population, while the “capital of furniture” manages to stop showing an incidence of the highest in the country more than a month after having been subjected to more restrictive measures .

The municipalities of Belmonte, Cabeceiras de Basto, Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Miranda do Corvo, Paredes, Penafiel, Portalegre, Santo Tirso, São João da Madeira, Valença and Vizela are no longer at extreme risk.

On the other hand, the municipalities of Crato, Mourão, Pinhel, Vila Pouca de Aguiar and Vimioso are at extreme risk.

Here Pinhel stands out, going from an incidence that almost allowed it to be of moderate risk (247) to the most severe level (1,069).

There are 22 counties that come out of the two worst tiers, but 15 that fall into these tiers
In practical terms, maintaining the line followed by the Government of not distinguishing in the restrictions applied in the municipalities of very high risk and extreme risk, the impact on the residents and companies of the municipalities is made with reference to 480 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. , the threshold that separates the two lowest levels from the two highest.

Compared to the previous week, there are 22 municipalities that are no longer in the two worst levels:

Arcos de Valdevez
Paiva Castle
Pampilhosa da Serra
Vila Nova de Paiva

Another 15 counties are now in the top two tiers:

Castelo de Vide
Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo
In them
Santa Marta de Penaguião
Terras de Bouro

Incidence decreases in 195 counties, remains in 17, and increases in 96
The incidence of the pandemic decreased in 195 of the 308 municipalities in the country, remaining unchanged in 17 and increased in 96.

The greatest reductions in the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants are registered in the municipalities of Freixo de Espada à Cinta (-1,456 cases), Gavião (-705), Fafe (-607), Lousada (-556) and Guimarães ( -474)).

The greatest increases in incidence were observed in the municipalities of Pinhel (822), Tabuaço (812), Marvão (699), Mondim de Basto (633) and Vimioso (597).

In Lisbon, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants decreased slightly, from 556 to 530. In Porto, the decrease was more pronounced, with 680 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants compared to the 765 registered previously.
