The judge’s decision on José Sócrates “is going to be a shock for politics or justice,” warns Marques Mendes – O Jornal Economico


The instructional decision of Judge Ivo Rosa on the process of ‘Operation Marqués’ “will be a shock to politics or justice,” defended Marques Mendes in his weekly comment space in the SIC’s “Jornal da Noite”. Comparing former Prime Minister José Sócrates with former Brazilian President Lula da Silva, the lawyer and former minister said that “in Brazil there has been a change of course and in Portugal there may be as well.”

Marques Mendes argued that if Ivo Rosa pronounced Socrates for corruption, it would be a blow to Portuguese politics, as it will be the first time that a Portuguese prime minister will face such an accusation. But if the former president, who was once in preventive detention, is not tried, or is not tried for corruption, then the concussion will affect justice, and in particular the prosecution.

While waiting for the decision of Ivo Rosa, which will be known on April 9, he recalled that the decision on Lula da Silva turned out to be bad for politics and for justice, since the impartiality of Judge Sérgio Moro was questioned by this done. He agreed to be Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s Minister of Justice.
