The IRS monthly withholding rate may drop by 2021 – IRS


The movement in the ranks of the IRS had already left for a new opportunity. António Costa had already said that he would not advance in the State Budgets for 2021.

But the government is preparing to move forward again on withholding rates under the IRS, which are applied monthly to workers’ wages. They can go down, according to the Express. This means that each worker will receive more monthly in the paycheck, but the following year’s adjustment to the IRS will result in less reimbursement for dependent workers.

In 2020, there were changes in monthly retention rates. This measure aims to increase disposable income, which is in addition to the already announced VAT refund for those who consume in restaurants and hotels and which, as Public had already advanced, will have a budgetary impact of around 200 million euros.

Previously, in an interview with Expresso, António Costa had revealed that it was “very unlikely” that a review of the IRS levels would be carried out in the Budget for 2021. “Surely the 2022 and 2023 budgets are other opportunities,” he said.

The change in retention rates is one of the measures for 2021 that the Government, according to Expresso, reserved without having disclosed to the left-wing parties with whom it has been negotiating budgetary measures to make the document viable in the Assembly of the Republic.

The State Budget for 2021 will be delivered to Parliament this Monday. Some of the measures are already becoming known. As Business reports, larger companies that make a profit and lay off will be barred from accessing investment tax benefits.

The creation of a social benefit to ensure that people do not have income below the poverty line (502 euros). This will also be the reference value for the increase in unemployment benefits.

And for health professionals, a new risk subsidy will be created, which will be granted for the duration of the pandemic.
