The inhabitants of Madeira will have a discount on their electricity bill


Deputy Paulo Neves demanded this morning that the Minister of the Environment, Government of the Republic, contemplate Madeira consumers in the discounts that will be granted on the electricity bill, within the scope of the Environmental Fund. A correct requirement, given the minister’s guarantee that the 300,000 euros related to this compensation would be attended by him in the Council of Ministers.

After his interpellation, today, in the Assembly of the Republic, Paulo Neves not only saw his concern recognized but also obtained the guarantee, on the part of the Minister of the Environment, that the consumers of Madeira and Porto Santo would be considered, against what had been done. announced by the Government of the Republic, a 10% discount on the electricity bill that will be applied through the Environmental Fund.

An exclusion from the first hour denounced by the deputy – together with the Regional Government, which also manifested itself – and today reiterated when he said “it is unfair to exclude consumers from Madeira and Porto Santo, especially when they not only contribute to the environment that will pay part of the aforementioned discount, as well as they were also subject to confinement, consequently increasing their internal consumption ”.

In response to the question posed by Paulo Neves, the Minister of the Environment was inflexible in stating that it was a decision that only the Government could make and, consequently, he promised to take it to the Council of Ministers, adding that there were 300 A thousand euros are in the Environment Fund to face this compensation and that if the Regional Government of Madeira wanted it, it was only a matter of making the proposal, which, in the Ministry of the Environment, would have the greatest acceptance.

A response that pleased the Social Democratic deputy, who, however, questions why Madeira has not been part of the support from the first hour.

Although it is good news, we will wait and see – and no less because the Regional Government has also assumed this same concern – and the truth is that we are entitled to this discount, since the Fund created by the Government of the Republic is also paid by the Madeira consumers ”, he concluded.
